Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I hope you all enjoyed my recent press junket! I apologize for the infrequency of my updates but as I mentioned in a very early post I was busy writing. I just didn't say what! Well, now the new Jesse Stone is out. Enjoy, everyone.

Jon Stewart certainly is a funny guy. I thought everything went well.

I suppose I had less to say than I thought. Take care, everyone. Keep the fanmail coming. I may not have time to respond to it all but I do read it all.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the updates. I saw your bit on Live and part of your segment on Martha. Both very good.

I liked Jesse Stone. Good series of movies.


7:36 PM

Blogger TomMagGal said...

Hi Tom,

I am a big fan of yours & have all of the Magnum episodes on tape & now on DVD as they come out (they need some special features added though, maybe the two Lance White episodes from Rockford Files?). I also love the new Jesse Stone series & hope you make a few more. It's good to see you on TV again. Even the Boston Legal episodes were kind of funny. I'm glad you're not going to be in the Magnum movie if it's a spoof. It's a shame what they do originals when they try to remake them into movies years later.
I guess I'll say goodnight for now.

8:59 PM

Blogger Judy said...

Wow, finally figured out how to comment. Hurray for me.
I DID enjoy the new Jesse Stone. I was able to buy the DVD of Stone Cold, hope the others are offered for sale soon.
I think you are making another, Sea Change, as we speak!
I'm enjoying your blog, dumb luck how I stumbled across it.
How I can appreciate your comments about aging, I turn 53 in a couple of more weeks. Where did the time go? I'm 53 and I still don't feel grown up yet.
Take care. :)

9:11 AM

Blogger Libertibell said...

I married "Mike" 26 years ago today...(together for 29 years). Mike is a look alike Tom Selleck; people have told him that for years & years. It was really creepy when I first noticed the resemblance. I was turning a corner in the grocery store. Out of the corner of my eye I caught your photograph on the cover of a magazine and thought it was my husband. That was sometime in the early 80's and I cannot remember which magazine. Mike is 6'4" tall, 215 lbs., 56 yrs., has dimples, dark wavy hair (cut very short now, and a moustache.
I've always wished I could meet you in person..perhaps one day, if you are ever in Ft. Lauderdale. My son-in-law worked with you in the movie, FOLKS. He was a taxi driver. He said you are the nicest person.
I have been enjoying your appearances on Boston Legal. I absolutely LOVE that show!!! Are you going to appear some more this season?..I hope so !!!

2:07 PM

Blogger becomingmagnum said...

Mr. Selleck: I FEDEX'd a Package to your Agent last week and someone at her office received it on Monday December 18th.

I included a STOP BEN AFFLECK FROM BECOMING MAGNUM T-Shirt, 2 Photo's of myself, a Letter asking for your Endorsement in my Project, "BECOMING MAGNUM," a copy of my Bio, and a copy of the One Pager about BECOMING MAGNUM.

I've created a TEASER TRAILER which you can check out at: www.myspace.com/becomingmagnum, OR you can go to www.youtube.com, and type BECOMING MAGNUM into the Video Search.

Have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, and I hope you receive my Package, and are willing to Endorse "BECOMING MAGNUM."

Best Wishes,

Mike "Sullivan Magnum" Bennett

8:52 PM

Blogger Jamm34 said...

Hi Tom
Love the choices that you make when you are in a TV show or Movie. A question. I've seen that you've done some westerns and have been a cowboy. I am native american from canada have you ever thought of doing a movie about native life. Recently I've come back from the Six Nation dispute in Calediona Canada about a native land issue. Have you ever thought of doing a documentary or movie with Native?
Sincerely and one of your biggest Fans!

9:00 PM

Blogger marianne said...

sometimes we sit down to say a few things, and discover we really don't have much to say.

just keep working Tom, and enjoying life. my favorites are your westerns (well, of course after Magnum) and more importantly that you are just a good man. in the end, that's all that really matters. God bless.

7:18 AM

Blogger Jaxxxx said...


Just wanted to say you are a great actor and my sisters adore you...I do to, lol. I remember being at our vacation home in Montana and hearing that you were at your vacation home there as well. We vacationed in a small town of Lakeside and you were just outside in another town close to us. Anyway my sisters went wild and drove to try and find you (they never did). But that excitement they had was just as neat as if they had met you. I still remember it to this day. Thanks for the good memories and smiles, keep up the good work and looking forward to seeing you on Las Vegas!!


12:46 PM

Blogger Clayton said...

Tom, I want to start off saying I have been a big fan of yours for years. I really enjoy the Louis LaMour westerns you do. I have read a lot of his books and do enjoy the movies. John Wayne has always been my Hero, and I as a young kid always wanted to be in a Movie with him. That never happened. I feel that our Great western actors are going away and we are losing our heritage. I really enjoy it when you and Sam Elliott work together. I know you probably get asked this, but if there is any way possible I would love to be in a Movie with you. It would be a dream Come true. Hope to talk to you later.

7:40 AM

Blogger Rhonda Fields said...

Am I suppose to believe this is THE Tom Selleck of Magnum PI? Really???

8:13 PM

Blogger Stan Paregien Sr said...

Good morning Tom,

Looking forward to seeing your new "Stone" detective show.

Any new Westerns on the horizon? Quigly Down Under still ranks as one of my all-time favorites.

By the way, Tom, I have a lot of information about you and hundreds of other Western writers and entertainers posted on my own web site -- www.cowboydirectory.com. Please check it out if you get a minute.

Best wishes,
Stan Paregien
Edmond, Oklahoma

5:28 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Tom,
We met a long time ago while living in Kailua Oahu with my son Michael. We loved your show Magnum PI (my son has Cerebral Palsy and just loves those shootouts and car chases--a male thing I guess).
Anyway glad to know you're up in Maine now; great to be in the NE states. We live in MA and just love Maine; go there often to sail our Morgan32.
I love your new show and just wish it were a series so that I could see it weekly. My Michael enjoys seeing you on TV cause it reminds him of Hawaii...
Hope all is well with you and your family; maybe I'll catch a glimpse of you in that big state of Maine!
take care,

8:26 AM

Blogger nadineofoc said...

When will jesse air? I'm really looking forward to seeing you on TV again. I've been a complete fool of a fan since the early Magnum days.

1:02 PM

Blogger nana55 said...

I really like the Jesse Stone movies. I see where there is another one coming up soon and I can't wait to see it. I've been a fan for a long time starting with ALL the Magnum P.I. shows and the Sackett movies. Keep up the good work. You are an outstanding actor.

9:14 PM

Blogger katiesp said...

Tom Selleck
Were you in Singapore in 1980 or 1981? Did you attend a party with the Commander of the Coast Guard?

9:17 PM

Blogger katiesp said...

Tom Selleck
Were you in Singopore in 1980 or 1981?
Did you attent a party at the Stewart's home with the Commander of the Coast Guard?

9:28 PM

Blogger Beccy said...

Mr. Selleck: Our mutual friend, WD, is in very poor health at the local nursing home, having suffered several strokes. His devoted wife is with him regularly.
I, and others, would like to thank you for your recent action on his behalf.
Good luck on the new show - we're looking forward to seeing you on TV again.
Beccy, Big Timber (MT) Pioneer newspaper

4:06 PM

Blogger Stan Paregien Sr said...

Good morning Tom,

Looking forward to seeing your new "Stone" detective show.

Any new Westerns on the horizon? Quigly Down Under still ranks as one of my all-time favorites.

By the way, Tom, I have a lot of information about you and hundreds of other Western writers and entertainers posted on my own web site -- www.cowboydirectory.com. Please check it out if you get a minute.

Best wishes,
Stan Paregien
Edmond, Oklahoma

11:45 AM

Blogger Kay said...

I enjoied the show last night and enjoy seeing you again! Take care and hang in there.

2:19 PM

Blogger Debbie M. Kupp said...

I absolutely love the Jesse Stone Movies. I really dont know if you respond or not, but I am a huge fan and have been since the 80's I cant wait to see you in Vegas!!!

6:46 PM

Blogger HW said...

Tom - I'm a fellow Sig and was hoping you could send an autograph picture to one of my three daughters? We watch Magnum P.I. together and when I told her you are a Sig she asked if I could get your autograph. I realize we can't "challenge" each other over the web, but I sure would appreciate it if you could send an autograph picture. In Hoc, HW

11:41 AM

Blogger CAM said...

Saw the Jesse Stone movie. Watched every minute of it. Great things improve with age and you sure do too. Hope to see more of these. Keep doing what you do so well.

4:43 PM

Blogger Ladale said...

Ok,Tom....I did see the tailend of your new movie that came out on tv and I've seen the first one that you did for the character of Jesse Stone. I have to say that you still look just as good today as you did back then when you were acting in the series Magnum P.I. You haven't really changed. As for you shaving your mustache,you look like a completely different man.....I'm not going to criticize you for shaving it off,you do what you want. I have written you a letter just in case you don't respond or not able to just to let you know that I've read your blog. Your last post was in May of 2006. By the way,whatever happened to the man that played Higgins? I loved his character. He was so funny....and I loved the way you would get to him....also,I had read that you are now taking that other actor's job on the series Las Vegas. It'll be refreshing to see you again on a once of week series. I can't wait to see it when it comes out,I believe will it be this fall when it premieres? I really think that you are a good man. Take care and I know that this is impossible,but please try to get some rest. sincerely,Ladale

3:57 AM

Blogger Nita H said...

Hi Tom!

I finally happened upon your blog and it appears you have abandoned it with abandon. Just the way my luck seems to be going. :)

Hope you return and blog some more, that is, when you aren't out grilling.


5:12 PM

Blogger Ladale said...

Tom,I did see the tailend of your newest Jesse Stone movie and I've seen that it is going to be a repeat on the ABC channel and I intend to record it with my dvr....I am looking forward to seeing it in it's intirety. I also am looking forward to seeing you in the series Las Vegas....it will be a refreshing change to once see you again in series.


7:26 AM

Blogger Rach said...

I watched Magnum P.I. when I was a kid and I loved it. You are my favourite actor and I think you are terrific. I also think that moustaches look sexy. I enjoy watching your movies and programmes you did and I admire you and your work. You don't even look your age and you look like you are in your early 50s.
I'm a big fan and I wish you and your family all the best. I live in Australia and its a beautiful country.
Rachael - the biggest fan

8:41 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Tom,
We just saw the new Jesse Stone this weekend. (06.23.07 Victoria, British Columbia) We did really enjoy it!
Robert B. Parkers' witt and you're delivery is on par.
I don't write "Stars", but you know, it just seems like a good year to do things I don't usually do.
My son is named after Magnum a.k.a. yourself.
He doesn't have dark hair or a mustache, but he does have a great name!
Take care and we will look forward to the next Jesse Stone movie!

4:52 PM

Blogger Carol Keller Bass said...

Tom, where have you been? I somehow stumbled upon this blog and noticed you haven't posted in over a year. Time does fly.

I hope this finds you in great health and wonderful spirits. Please throw us all a bone and start writing again.

I must say, I read the old posts and comments....wow, some strange ones out there.

Anyway.....good day!!

6:08 AM

Blogger trekker said...

I enjoy your talent as an actor, but who are you as a person? I've admired your work for some time. What have you found to be the most difficult?

5:26 PM

Blogger trekker said...

What have you been busy writing?

5:34 PM

Blogger Jeannie said...

Hello Mr. Selleck:

I have been a long time fan and was really jazzed that I found this site. That is only because I figured out what a "blog" is. Now that I am here I am not sure what to say. I heard you may be taking the place of James Caan on Vegas. That would be great. I loved Magnum P.I., I have even been collecting the series, and you play Jesse Stone beautifully, but what I really like you as is a cowboy. You do great cowboy. Just happens I am a big western movie fan. I wish you well and great success if you are accepted as the new casino owner in Vegas. For sure I will be watching. All the best to you and your family.

8:56 PM

Blogger Jeannie said...

Hello Mr. Selleck: I see it has been over a year since you posted last but I hope you still keep in touch with your website. I only just figured out what a "blog" was otherwise I never would have found this. So, I read your postings and alot of the comments and thought I would give it a try. I loved Magnum P.I. as I am a real romantic and loved the Michelle/Magnum storyline. I also enjoy you as Jesse Stone. But my favorite is when you do western movies as you do great cowboy. I also heard you may be taking the place of James Caan on Vegas and wish you the best of luck in getting this part. Best wishes to you and your family and I hope to hear back from you.

9:11 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Mr. Selleck thank you for your career and all the joy you've brought to so many of us. I in particular wish to thank you for the high standard of your individualism and your unwillingness to conform to pressures that are very much left of center as it pertains to second amendment rights as well as a grounded conservative view on life in general.

I'm a 40 year old New York city boy, first generation hispanic American and formerly a life long liberal who over the past two decades have slowly come to realize that my values are far more closely aligned with that which some may term traditional American values.

It's those like yourself in the public eye, so vulnerable to the external forces in the press and Hollywood at large, who set the bar high for those of us seeking to express our views without giving into fear of retribution from a hysterical liberal or two, or a full mob of them.

I am so glad I found your blog, I had been thinking about somehow extending a personal thanks to you ever since R. O'Donnel ambushed you regarding gun ownership rights and the NRA.

Thank you my fellow American.

P.S. Should you ever decide to run for public office, you have my vote

Alfredo M. Daniel

10:33 AM

Blogger Janette said...

My comment to Tom Selleck the actor is...thank you, you are a brilliant, and very talented actor!!!
John Wayne, Ben Johnson, Robert Duvall,Sam Elliott, you....are all favorites in my "testosterone" home.....
I would like to say, thank you for the Jesse Stone series, I won't watch t.v., so my guy's (law enforcment-military) can relate to your character, as tough, honorable and get me to sit down and watch t.v. with them and actually enjoy it....

1:30 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

hey tom long time no see. i was listening to shawn hannity the other day and he was talking about the liberal actors and how conservatives had no representation in the acting community. i remembered in the past that you were well spoken and literate when most actors were lost in other peoples ideas that were based on opinions not facts. i my self am a recent veteran of the navy and after thinking the thoughts of you as an actor, believe you would be a good spokesman for what is really going on over there in iraq. i beleive that the service men would like you to tour there enviroment to take there stories and the reasons for there support of there actions over there. i feel that that you could represent what most of us fighting over there felt. that we would rather keep those idiots over there busy than have people dying at home. the media really pisses me off when they show the death toll since the war started. every year the stars and stripes give the number of death's due to drinking and driving in the armed forces and it is more than the combined death toll for iraq and other current missions. well i will get of my soap box. i hope you get a chance to read this brian

8:19 PM

Blogger Ed said...

Wow, what a stroke of luck finding this! Just wanted to let you know I bought the first three Jesse Stone movies on DVD. To say they are fanastic is an understatement. I may have to get cable again just so I can watch any future ones. Already missed number 4, but will catch it on DVD also. As much as I liked Magnum, I think this is by far some of the best work I've seen from anyone in a very long time. Thanks.

10:35 AM

Blogger Rowdy Rick said...

Always wondered if you were born at Grace Hospital. I was in July 1947. Dad was going to Central Michigan. X surfer from Manhattan Beach in 60's now in Cave Creek, AZ. Thanks for all that you do. Keep working as long as you want....you won't get any complaints here.

3:58 PM

Blogger Janette said...

We would very much love to hear from you!!
Regarding, your future plans with "Jesse Stone"

6:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Selleck,
Posted this earlier but was'nt sure if it went through... Please pardon any redundancy. I'm kinda' new at this whole computer thing.
Sincere regards
Semper Fi',
Mike Regan


Dear Mr. Selleck,
As a USMC veteran who served as an infantry squad leader with the Marine Corps 3rd Division in Vietnam during the year of 1968, I just wanted to express my sincere appreciation for the way that yourself and co-stars portrayed us in "Magnum PI". Most others in the entertainment industry were pretty tough on us.
Also hoped that you might assist in a film venture begun by me in 1981. It's entitled * GRUNTS * and, yes, the scenario concerns Vietnam. And touches more on the human, and even humorous, side of those who served our infantry at the time. And emphasis is also placed on the wonderful ladies (Nurses, Red Cross & USO) who also did their share of tours in RVN.
An attempt was made by me to produce the motion picture and succeeded in attracting Hannah Weinstein for distribution and a senior producer at Columbia, Larry Wilcox, who signed on to play a lead (Can prove it), the Marine Corps for Department Od Defense (DOD) which also can be proved and Alan Wilson of The Completion Bond Company.
Sadly, Hannah Weinstein passed on as the project was heading toward conclusion. Distribution went out the window. Sader, though, was her loss.
Anyway, and to make a long story a bit longer, my eldest son recently found a copy of the screenplay in the family archives and I thought, what the heck. I jumped on the Long Island Railroad (I live in Hicksville (Yes, a town with a name like that does exist...), treked into NYC and re-registered the script with the Writer's Guild. And here I am...
With thought in mind of all those great hours enjoying episodes of "Magnum PI", and with prodding from my two sons, your name came up. I had literally insisted they watch so as not to believe all that other stuff that was depicting those of us who fought in not so favorable a light. Stuff that was also an affront to the spirit of their uncle, Gregg Lavery, also USMC, who died in a fire-fight near Qua Viet in March of 1968. He was a great friend and paying condolence to his family upon my return was how I met my wife.
Hope you might come on board as Executive Producer, a major role player, co-writer (I'm sure the script could use a bit of spiffing up)or within any other capacity of which might fit into your schedule. Your envolvement would certainly enhance and, no doubt, ensure the ventures success.
THANKS again for being a friend to those of us who served in RVN.
Sincere regards
Semper Fi',
Mike Regan
PS This is a bit off topic, but with further thought of your service with the National Guard and subsequent involvement with the Watts riots, I hope you go to the "ASK" search engine and type in the key words, Mike Regan, TSBD (Texas School Book Depository). Feeling very strongly that the riot, and other violent events taking place around the country at the time (And since), are very much linked to the violent act which took place on that tragic day in Dallas on November in 1963, I've shared my research, and conclusion, as to what I feel, again quite strongly,what actually went down in Dealey Plaza that day.
Hopefully, once again, you will find the material of interest.
THANKS again...

2:31 AM

Blogger nancy demond said...

I enjoy your Jesse Stone series, I have to search for them to catch them. But I really like the westerns you have written, produced, directed, acted in. Just seem more the cowboy type to me. You are a very talented individual, I have looked for and watched you for many years. I would like to see you write and produce and act in more TV series. Much more accesible than cinema. The moustache thing, either way, you are still winning my view. Nancy in Brookings Oregon

9:25 PM

Blogger kimmy31601 said...

Hello Mr. Selleck,
My name's Kim, I'm 33 & I live in Valdosta, GA. I've always enjoyed watching any shows with you in them. When I was a kid I never missed an episode of Magnum PI. You're great as a cop, or anything else you act as but I think you make the best cowboy, second only to John Wayne. It was said best in Monte Walsh, "Nobody sits a horse like Monte Walsh", and it's true. I have laughed so hard at some of the things you've said in your westerns & the more recent Stone movies & cried like a baby at other times like when you had to put Boomer down in Night Passage. I haven't been able to get all of them yet but I'm working on it. You may feel your age from time to time but you definately don't look it. You seem to get better with age. No, I don't want anything, lol. This is the first time I've ever written to a celebrity, I don't mean to ramble on. I've had a constant reminder of you in my life because when my dad was younger he was mistaken for you so many times, strangers would come up to him asking for his autograph. He was the same height, had the same build, same mustache, hair & eyes. He ate it up, too, lol. Anyway, sorry to be so long winded. I hope you've had a great summer & that you'll enjoy the rest of the year with some much deserved R & R. Take care.

7:38 AM

Blogger Rebecca said...

'Uncle Tom', obviously you've been busy because you haven't written on here in a long time. I love the Jesse Stone role...you're perfect for it! Ready to visit Hawaii solo again?! (Ha!) I miss it so much...good times back when I was 20! (Wow, that seems so long ago now that I'm 47! Ha!) Hope to see you writing on here again soon. Your pal from long ago in Hawaii...Rebecca (aka 'Becky').

12:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:40 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

So, have you quit the blog? I ran across this tonight. I am undecided as to whether or not it is really you. I suppose it would seems to be a 'really to good to be true' thing.
Anyhow, I couldn't resist posting. I wish I could tell Tom Selleck how great it was having him in my living room at night watching him on TV with my son....he was 5 and you were is favorite.


8:39 PM

Blogger David said...

Thanks, Tom. I hope you come back and update the blog. It's always nice to see what you're up to so I can make sure I see it!

2:40 PM

Blogger David said...

Thanks, Tom.

I hope you come back and update the blog. It's always great to see what you're up to. That way I can make sure not to miss anything of ya!

2:41 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

We haven't heard from you in a long time. What's new? How do you like being on Las Vegas?

1:14 PM

Blogger hokie_bird said...

I hope life is treating you well. I know this is a little late but, congrats on the Tigers success in baseball. My wife an I are big fans. We enjoy everthing from Magnum to Stone. Keep up the great work.

5:37 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Tom,
Glad to Hear that we will get to see another Jesse Stone. I really hope that there are many many more.
I am envious of you being in NS for the filming. I Love NS and most of the people I have come to know there.

Have you and your Family ever taken the Cat from Maine to Yarmouth?

4:29 AM

Blogger Sandy said...

I feel like an idiot doing this but I want you to know that I really enjoy your work. My favorite bodies of work so far are the "Luther Gillis" episodes of Magnum PI. I watch Las Vegas now that you are there. I enjoyed seeing Roger and Larry in one episode. You guys really need to do a Magnum movie. You were a wonderful "Eisenhower". I hope you are happy in your personal life.

9:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tom,
You are one of the best actors that had ever happened to Hollywood. I've seen many of Your movies and most episodes of Magnum P.I. Today I read that You turned down a role in Indiana Jones for M. P.I.
You would have deffinetley been the better actor for the Indy role, but I must thank you for turning the role down and continuing making M.P.I.
I really hope to see you any time soon in Croatia, Zagreb or Dubrovnik so I can get an autograph.

4:07 PM

Blogger nonobadkitty said...

Hi! Ok, it's been a year and a half since you were here, but I'm going to give this a shot anyway. First, let me say, the concept of marinating steaks on a cedar plank sounds interesting, how did that work out for ya? Next, what goes in a Ceasar Omelette? Third, there's been a very persistent rumor going around for about 5 years, now, that you're establishing a residence in AZ. And, finally, do you remember someone sending you a hand crocheted Christmas ornament because both her son and Hannah were born the same year? That was me. I'm pleased and proud about the Jesse Stone work, and I hope "Las Vegas" gives you as much satisfaction. May all go well for you, hope you come back online!
Much love,

5:49 PM

Blogger Joy said...

Hi Mr. Selleck, i have been a fan since your Magnum P.I. days. My husband and I are enjoying watching you on Las Vegas. i got to see you when you were on Broadway in A thousand Clowns. We enjoyed the play. When is your next Jesse Stone sequel coming out? take care. Happy Holidays. Joy Dolan

5:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom! im a big time fan of you!
Im young and started watching your dvds
i now at my 30s and Amazing, I bought the mag of you on Cigar! and impressed you look very good on it
you have fan in NYC!
I am Bodybuilder fan of you!

2:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom! im a big time fan of you!
Im young and started watching your dvds
i now at my 30s and Amazing, I bought the mag of you on Cigar! and impressed you look very good on it
you have fan in NYC!
I am Bodybuilder fan of you!

2:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom! im a big time fan of you!
Im young and started watching your dvds
i now at my 30s and Amazing, I bought the mag of you on Cigar! and impressed you look very good on it
you have fan in NYC!
I am Bodybuilder fan of you!

2:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Selleck,

I see that you haven't posted anything on this blog since 2006, but I thought I'd give this a try anyway...

Today was such an exciting day! I stopped by my husband favorite cigar shop to see what I could find for Christmas, and picked up the latest issuce of Cigar Aficionado - with you on the cover. Nice article, by the way (yes, I read it before giving it over).

And then as I drove home, I saw a FedEx truck following behind. It was delivering the tail section for the plane my husband is building! The first section to be exact. You can be sure he'll be celebrating as he examines his latest project while smoking a cigar!

Without sounding like a crazed fan, I just wanted to say that Jason & I both enjoy your work, and we appreciate your comments on gun control and politics. If you are ever in NE Wisconsin and need a place to relax, don't hesitate to give a call.

Warm regards - Mary Kelly

12:30 PM

Blogger Joy said...

Mr. Selleck, Glad to see you back on TV. We are enjoying watching Las Vegas. When will the next Jesse Stone installment be on? Will you ever bring back Magnum. My husband and I both loved the series. Also we got he chance to see you in NYC in "A Thousand Clowns"..good job. Take care, Joy Dolan

4:47 AM

Blogger Holly O'Brien said...

Dear Tom,

Have you given up on your blog? We miss you!~ What a joy to read your thoughts - delightful.
Maine can be rather boring in the colder months - yet so beautiful in the summer. A blog is a wonderful place to visit yer fans. I live in LA (22 + yrs) but grew up on the Maine coast (Portland & Cliff Island). I miss the people, the water but mostly the food!

We miss you Tom. Yer all heart and there's not one like you. Sure we all loved Magnum - but not Magnum - it was Tom Selleck that we all love. Belisarious did the right thing by casting you in Vegas - but geeezzz that's the best charater you guys could come up with?! Could the writers maybe let you smile once or twice an episode - we miss yer teeth!~ Maybe swap Casino roles w/ Duhamel for an episode or two and spice it up a bit. I suppose the writer's strike doesn't help matters. I'm a bit miffed at them (yes, I am in the business) - they jumped the table too soon. Nough said. So I guess Maine is a perfect place to get away, write your own material and enjoy life in a place that matters. I miss Maine - s'where my heart is, I only "work" in LA. Well - stay warm, cook lots.

Take good care - we miss you!~

Holly O'Brien
Northridge, CA (winters)
Cliff Island, ME (summers)

2:27 AM

Blogger Holly O'Brien said...

Dear Tom,

Have you given up on your blog? We miss you!~ What a joy to read your thoughts - delightful.
Maine can be rather boring in the colder months - yet so beautiful in the summer. A blog is a wonderful place to visit yer fans. I live in LA (22 + yrs) but grew up on the Maine coast (Portland & Cliff Island). I miss the people, the water but mostly the food!

We miss you Tom. Yer all heart and there's not one like you. In fact, my husband and I miss you so much we've resorted to DVD's of your previous stuff. Sure we all loved Magnum - but not Magnum - it was (is) Tom Selleck that we all love. Belisarious did the smart thing by casting you in Vegas - but geeezzz that's the best charater you guys could come up with?! Could the writers maybe let you smile once or twice an episode - we miss yer wonderful smile!~ Maybe swap Casino roles w/ Duhamel for an episode or two and spice it up a bit. I suppose the writer's strike doesn't help matters. I'm a bit miffed at them (yes, my husband and I are both in the business) - they jumped the table too soon. Nough said. So I guess Maine is a perfect place to get away, write your own material and enjoy life in a place that matters. I so miss Maine - s'where my heart is, I only "work" in LA. I hope you are staying warm, healthy, happy, cooking lots and that you and your family are all well.

Take good care - we miss you!~


Holly O'Brien
Northridge, CA (winters)
Cliff Island, ME (summers)

2:39 AM

Blogger Lady Robin said...

Happy Birthday! You are looking better than Ever!

7:41 PM

Blogger Lady Robin said...

Happy Birthday! You are looking better than ever!

7:42 PM

Blogger Cheryl said...

Ok..there is such nonsense on the net these days..I am wondering if this actually is your blog....I will take a chance however. Please google the senior cold case det of buffalo ny. The news story alone has three Emmy nominations.

8:26 PM

Blogger ginny said...

Hi Tom
I found your site by googling (is that a word) The onion tears...just light a candle where you chopping your onion and that will stop the tearing...all my hopes ginny

10:40 AM


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